Is Weaning off Oxycodone A Good Idea?

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There are several things you have to consider when you are deciding to wean off oxycodone. Many people say that stopping opiate use is almost impossible but there are ways that you can do it. Unfortunately, it might take a doctor’s care or a treatment facility to stop using this popular drug.

Weaning off Oxycodone Alone

Stopping oxycodone use alone is not something that is recommended. It is very difficult to taper off without medical help. The withdrawal symptoms are very difficult to deal with and the temptation to take more than your tapering dose or weaning amount is difficult to resist.

Even mild withdrawal from oxycodone is difficult to deal with. According to the Utah Department of Health, some of the problems that you might encounter without a treatment program are:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • muscle pain
  • diarrhea
  • joint pain
  • risk taking behavior
  • exaggeration of suffering to gain more medication
  • unprovoked anger
  • irrational behavior
  • theft of medication
  • doctor shopping
Weaning off Oxycodone

Without professional treatment, weaning off oxycodone will lead to uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms.

All of these symptoms are preventable by using a treatment center in order to help you stop using oxycodone. Most people are not able to keep to tapering schedule on their own.

Using an Inpatient Facility

When you are considering tapering off opiates an inpatient treatment center might be your best option. According to the Veterans Administration, a complete examination including a mental health evaluation should be conducted before a weaning or tapering schedule is recommended.

Inpatient facilities evaluate your needs and design a plan that best fits you. Most conditions are treatable with the right medications. An inpatient facility will help you with these.

Inpatient facilities can also monitor your opiate intake and make sure you stick to the tapering schedule. This solves the difficulties with using more of an opiate than you should. With an inpatient center controlling access to all opiates including oxycodone there is little chance that you will go back to a higher dose.

Using an Outpatient Facility

Although not as effective as an inpatient facility, you can also stop opiates on an outpatient basis. The outpatient facility will do a similar evaluation as an inpatient facility, to determine your weaning needs.

Everyone is a bit different when it comes to a tapering schedule and titration of your dosage is extremely important. An outpatient facility can help you reach your goal of being oxycodone free and treat any other issues you might have.

So is Weaning a Good Idea?

Although weaning off oxycodone is a good idea, it is only a good idea when it is done correctly. One of the best ways to do this is through a treatment center. Tapering is one of the better ways to get away from this dangerous drug, particularly if you are dependent on it.

There are safer ways to treat chronic pain without a drug as harsh as oxycodone. If you are in need of help tapering off oxycodone, call 888-810-2643. We can help you find the treatment that you need.

15 Signs You Need Oxycodone Withdrawal Treatment

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