Oxycodone Withdrawal Duration

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When taken as prescribed, oxycodone can manage pain safely and effectively, but, with repeated use, dependency develops and the person will suffer withdrawal symptoms if they stop or dramatically reduce the medication. The opioid chemical of oxycodone affects the brain and central nervous system with similar effects to heroin. Abnormal use or abuse can cause physical and psychological damage making recovery extremely difficult. According to the 2013 National Drug Threat Assessment, by the Drug Enforcement Administration, “there were 4.5 million non-medical users of pain relievers” and oxycodone is favored by opioid abusers for the euphoria and “high” it produces.

Oxycodone Withdrawal Symptoms

oxycodone withdrawal

The physical symptoms of withdrawal will subside in about a week.

Abrupt discontinuance of oxycodone can shock the body causing a myriad of adverse physical and psychological side effects. Many oxycodone addicts will continue abusing the drug despite negative consequences, just to avoid the symptoms of withdrawal. Common withdrawal symptoms can be painful and unpleasant, but in heavy use or chronic abuse, these symptoms can become overwhelmingly severe and possibly life threatening. The more the body becomes dependent on the drug, the greater the severity of the withdrawal symptoms will be.

The most common oxycodone withdrawals are flu like in nature, but, many oxycodone users are also poly substance abusers or have underlying physical or mental health issues that can make the withdrawal process more complex. Depending on levels of use, duration, and abuse methods, the symptoms can become severe and dangerous and may include cardiac problems, respiratory problems, seizures, coma, or psychiatric problems which require immediate medical care.

Oxycodone Withdrawal Duration

Early symptoms can begin as an unpleasant agitation and craving to use within hours of the last dose. Intense cravings, combined with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle aches and pains, agitation, anxiety, depression, or insomnia usually lasts from 3-5 days. But again, these symptoms are dependent on a variety of factors which can increase their intensity or durations.

During this time, the person has an overwhelming risk of relapse and support is necessary to remain engaged in the detox process. In chronic abuse, medications are often necessary to stabilize the person and combat the severity of symptoms in order to avoid additional health risks.

Acute symptoms of oxycodone withdrawal may last for a couple of weeks if the person has been injecting the drug or using abnormally high amounts. At any time these symptoms may become severe or life-threatening and formal treatment programs are critical to maintaining safety during withdrawals from oxycodone.

Post-acute withdrawal symptoms usually dissipate after about a month. In some cases, the cravings will last as long as six months or longer and ongoing support is necessary to prevent relapse. There is an indefinite timeline for severe effects such as psychosis and mental health disorders and some consequences are permanent.

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