How to Find Help for Oxycodone Abuse

We can help you find local opiate addiction treatment, call 888-810-2643 for a free referral.

Opiate painkillers, including oxycodone, are the most popular of all prescription drugs abused. Anyone that has ever struggled with oxycodone abuse or addiction can tell you how dangerous and overwhelming it can be. Getting help is the best way to escape this addiction. To find help for oxycodone abuse call 888-810-2643.

Decide on a Treatment Approach

One thing you need to do is to decide on treatment approach. There are three basic treatment approaches, including pharmacological, counseling, and combined. All three of these approaches have the same goals, and can be very effective depending on the individual.


According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the pharmacological approach to oxycodone abuse treatment involves the use of medications. These medications replace oxycodone in the body, and can be tapered slowly to reduce the likelihood of severe withdrawal or relapse. These medications include, methadone, buprenorphine, and naltrexone.


Counseling is another treatment approach that can be very effective. In this approach, the addict learns what habits and behaviors may contribute to their addiction, learn ways to change these behaviors, and learn methods for coping with cravings and pressures to continue abusing oxycodone or relapse.


The third treatment approach is a combined one. This means that medication management is coupled with counseling services, allowing you to gain the benefits of both of those methods, further reducing the chances of relapse. If you are abusing oxycodone, call us at 888-810-2643 for help finding the treatment approach that is best for you.

Decide Where you Want to go to Treatment

Oxycodone Abuse

Counseling is an effective method of treating oxycodone abuse.

Deciding on an approach to treatment for oxycodone abuse is not the only thing you need to do to get help. You also need to decide where to go in order to get treatment. There are three primary types of treatment facilities. These are inpatient, outpatient, and combination facilities. Each has unique benefits and drawbacks.


According to the Harvard University Medical School, inpatient, or residential, treatment centers are places that individuals seeking treatment stay for a period of time necessary to get their addiction under control. People that choose this option are less likely to relapse, and benefit from close medical supervision and the opportunity to avoid stressors, but must take time away from work, school, and family.


Outpatient facilities do not require you to put your responsibilities on hold. They work by administering management medications and/or counseling services at regular appointments. The drawbacks to this include much higher relapse rates and the inability to avoid everyday stress and pressure from people, places, or things that may cause you to continue abusing oxycodone.


Combination facilities utilize inpatient treatment to detoxify your system and begin the treatment protocol. You then transition to outpatient care to continue your recovery. This gives you the benefits of both facilities, but reduces the drawbacks of both, as well.

Find a Treatment Center to Cater to your Needs

Once you have decided on a treatment approach and a type of treatment facility, you are ready to find the treatment facility that best meets your needs. This can be a difficult and overwhelming process, but we can help. Call us at 888-810-2643 and begin the path to recovery today.

How to Convince Someone they Need Treatment for an Oxycodone Addiction

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